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Understanding the ISEE
An Essential Overview

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What is the ISEE?

The ISEE is the Independent School Entrance Exam. This is a standardized test used for admission to private and independent schools in the United States and around the world. It assesses a student's skills in verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, reading comprehension, and mathematics achievement. The ISEE is administered at various levels depending on the grade the student is entering:

  • Lower Level: For students entering grades 5-6
  • Middle Level: For students entering grades 7-8
  • Upper Level: For students entering grades 9-12

In addition to assessing skills in the four academic areas mentioned, there is also an unscored essay that is sent to schools as part of the admission process.

Who Takes The ISEE?

Students entering grade 5 through 12 who are interested in attending private and/or independent schools take the ISEE. The exam itself is slightly different in length for lower and higher grade levels. For students entering grade five and six, the exam is two hours and 20 minutes long. The breakdown for this age group is:

  • Verbal Reasoning: 20 minutes
  • Quantitative Reasoning: 35 minutes
  • Reading Comprehension: 25 minutes
  • Mathematics Achievement: 30 minutes
  • Essay: 30 minutes

Students entering grade 5 through 12 who are interested in attending private and/or independent schools take the ISEE. The exam itself is slightly different in length for lower and higher grade levels. For students entering grade five and six, the exam is two hours and 20 minutes long. The breakdown for this age group is:

  • Verbal Reasoning: 20 minutes
  • Quantitative Reasoning: 35 minutes
  • Reading Comprehension: 25 minutes
  • Mathematics Achievement: 30 minutes
  • Essay: 30 minutes
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Where Can I Take The ISEE?

The ISEE is administered at various testing locations and times throughout the year for your convenience. Many private schools offer the exams on their campuses year-round; check with school websites for dates and times. The ISEE is also offered at testing centers. Both locations have benefits. The main difference is the size of the group taking the test, and cost.

The Educational Records Bureau (ERB) is a non-profit organization that administers and organizes standardized exams for more than 2,000 public and private schools. In their testing centers,

Large Group ISEE Testing

Large group testing is held at schools; most students take the ISEE this way. One reason that this is the most popular format is that tests in larger groups are less expensive. Another reason is that there are simply more seats available in larger groups.

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Small Group ISEE Testing

Small group testing sessions typically occur at ERB offices, which are predominantly found in major metropolitan areas such as New York City and Houston, TX.

Currently, you can also take the ISEE at home. Beginning in 2020, the ERB has an option for home testing. Students opting for the home exam will be overseen by a virtual proctor.

Most ERB testing centers are located in major areas across the United States. You will also want to keep in mind that if you take your ISEE at a test center that isn’t a school, you will be alongside people taking different tests, not just other ISEE-takers.

The ERB’s website has an updated registration portal you can use to find test centers, dates near you, and easily register for an exam. You can register both in schools and at different testing centers through this portal.


What Test Dates Are Available?

The ISEE test schedule revolves around three distinct seasons each year. The Fall season spans from August through November, offering multiple opportunities to schedule your exam. Winter encompasses December to March, presenting another set of dates for testing. Lastly, the Spring/Summer season runs from April through July, providing flexibility during warmer months. Students are limited to taking the ISEE once per season. Students can take the test up to three times annually with careful scheduling. For instance, you might plan to take the ISEE in August, December, and April, but you cannot schedule tests in consecutive months like August, September, and October. Effective planning ensures you can maximize your chances without exceeding testing season limits.


How Is The ISEE Scored?

The ISEE provides scaled scores ranging from 760 to 940 for each of its four sections. These scores help pinpoint your child's strengths and areas that may need more focus.

In addition to scaled scores, the ISEE generates percentile ranks. These ranks indicate how your child's performance compares to other students who took the test. For example, a percentile rank of 75 means your child performed as well as or better than 75% of students in the same grade level who took the ISEE.

It is important to remember that schools consider more than the ISEE score when evaluating your student for admission; recommendations, essays, and interviews are also important factors in the admission process.

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How Can A Tutor Help With The ISEE?

Tutors perform an essential function. They provide personalized learning, expert guidance, accountability, motivation, and specific test taking strategies for your student. These factors cannot be replaced anywhere else.

When your student is preparing for the ISEE, a tutor will tailor that preparation for ISEE exam success. Early practice allows a tutor to focus on areas where you student can improve. This results in the most efficient use of study time. A tutor can also familiarize your student with this specific exam. Knowing the format and expectations in advance reduces test day anxiety, and results in better focus and concentration. Tutors structure preparation, offer positive reinforcement, and hold students accountable for consistent practice. Their only focus is the success of your student.

ISEE Success

You can empower your student to approach the ISEE with confidence using this information. While scores are important, they're just one part of a holistic admissions process that also considers interviews, recommendations, and essays. With thoughtful preparation and support, your child can effectively showcase their abilities and pursue their goal of obtaining admission to the private or independent school of their dreams!